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A professional cleaner wipes down a roof following office construction.

How to Make Office Renovations Less Disruptive

Office construction work, though very beneficial and exciting, can be quite disruptive and distracting if you begin work without a clear strategy or plan. It’s loud, takes up space, releases dust, dirt, and other irritants, and is a hassle to clean up afterward.

However, there are a few great tips and recommendations worth trying to minimize the disruptions caused by office renovations, including hiring office cleaning services in Canton, MA. Let’s talk about them here:

Strategize new workflow around the renovation

You need to start by designing a new workflow around the renovation, considering the timeline of the project, where construction will occur, and what ways you will cope. For instance, you might shift part of your team to a WFH model or relocate to a different floor or room in the building. Don’t begin renovations everywhere all at once; go space by space so you have usable areas that are available to employees.

Minimize noise and other distractions during the workday

Find ways to minimize noise and other distractions such as active office construction work, moving and shifting items around, smells, and dirt by setting up smart workstations. Prepare your team for possible distractions and find ways to reduce their impact, such as using noise-canceling headphones, sealing off open spaces, finding alternative ways to communicate, and maintaining productivity.

A clean-looking office following extensive renovation work.

Outsource day-to-day office cleaning and maintenance

A great way to cut back on disruptions is by outsourcing day-to-day office cleaning in Canton, MA,  and maintenance through our team. We’ll ensure that every new workspace your team is in is clean and free of dust and irritants. We’ll also ensure the bathrooms and pantries are clean, well-organized, and ready for use, and there are minimal disruptions in functional areas on the office floor.

Invest in post-renovation cleaning to get back on track

Additionally, you can bring us on board for extensive post-renovation and office construction cleaning and maintenance, wherein we’ll dispose of all debris, get rid of dust and dirt, and ensure that your space is ready to go and thoroughly cleaned after any construction work. This will allow you and your employees to focus on your work and get back to their routine much faster since we’ll set up your newly renovated spaces for you!

Office construction and renovation is an often-necessary and unavoidable part of expanding and developing your business, but with these tips, you can minimize the impact on workflow and productivity. Hiring office cleaning services in Canton, MA, will not only make it easier to get back into a routine but also make it easier to manage your space post-construction and renovation. Contact us to learn more about our work.