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A woman cleans a stovetop during kitchen cleaning services.

Kitchen Appliance Maintenance: Tips from a Professional

Our company has been offering residential cleaning in Stoughton, MA, for several years, and while we offer exterior cleaning and polishing for appliances, we’d like to help homeowners make kitchen appliance maintenance easier.

Alongside using non-abrasive, gentle cleaning solutions, here are some of our top tips that you can apply to take better care of your kitchen appliances alongside our general kitchen cleaning services:

Clear out all expired food and items from your fridge

It’s important to organize and clean your refrigerator every few months. We all tend to buy products that go unused and unnoticed before expiring, and sometimes food might develop mold and go bad too. General usage also tends to make your fridge dirty, so it helps to clean it out every three months or so, get rid of all your expired food, remove your racks and check the rubber gaskets, coils, and seals. Our team can help by cleaning the insides of your refrigerator alongside the kitchen appliance maintenance work you do.

If you have a separate freezer, you should also clean that out the same way and be sure to defrost it at least once a year.

Clean inside your microwave to remove odors and buildup

Your microwave also needs attention and care, and you need to ensure the insides and outsides are clean too. You can heat up a homemade mixture to soften stains and buildup before you unplug your appliance, and use a gentle cleanser and damp cloth to wipe down the interiors and wipe down the outsides.

An open dishwasher with multiple plates and cutlery stacked inside.


Don’t forget to clean your dishwasher’s interiors  

Your dishwasher is one of the most used and neglected appliances in your kitchen. While we offer exterior sanitization and kitchen appliance maintenance, you should be sure to clean the interiors. You can use ingredients like vinegar to soften food stains, while also cleaning the different racks, shelves, and holders inside.

Maintain your stovetop and oven to prevent stubborn stains

Your stovetop and oven should be handled with care too. You can make sure all your individual stoves are well-functioning and your appliance is cleaned between uses, and our team can take care of the rest. We offer interior, exterior, and hood cleaning for stoves and ovens, cleaning buildup, grime, spills, and stains.

If you’re looking for dependable house cleaning services in Stoughton, MA, we’re here to help you out. Our residential cleaning services in Stoughton also work with clients in Canton, Sharon, and many other cities to clean your home and keep it spotless. You can get in touch with us for a consultation and get started.