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A home with construction work under process.

How to Settle Into a Newly Renovated Home

Settling back into your space after home renovations is definitely challenging, given that you need to clean up, unpack, reorganize, and much more. That’s why we recommend planning ahead and getting residential cleaning services in Norwood, MA, to make the transition and re-settling period easier for yourself.

Here are some tips and advice worth implementing for an easier transition:

Clean away all your upholstery and furniture

No matter how careful you were before you began home renovations, there’s no way your furniture and upholstery are safe from some amount of dust and dirt. That’s why before you begin vacuuming and cleaning, make sure no dust is left behind on your couches, cushions, rugs, and carpets before you move on to more intensive cleaning.

Let professionals handle the major cleaning

Post-construction and renovation cleaning is not easy or straightforward, which is why it’s not something to DIY. There may be mold, dust and dirt, dangerous equipment, wiring, and debris lying around, and a lack of or commercial-grade cleaning supplies and safety gear such as goggles, helmets, and gloves. It’s far too expensive and risky to do yourself, especially when it threatens your safety.


A vacuum cleaner plugged into a wall during a renovation p


Make sure all storage spaces are clean

Once your spaces are professionally cleaned after your home renovation, you should go step-by-step and clean out all your storage spaces, including shelves, closets, cabinets, and more. This gives you a clean slate to unpack and organize everything as you want, from re-placing items in their old spots to changing up how things are stored post-renovation.

Do a final run-through of all the cleaning

Lastly, do a final run-through of the post-construction cleaning and unpacking process, and then call our team back for a final session. At this point, you can get a residential deep cleaning or standard services that will leave your home spotless.

Cleaning your home after construction is exhausting, time-consuming, and, frankly, unpleasant. Don’t do it all on your own–give us a call!

Our house cleaning services in Norwood, MA, include extensive specialty services such as post-construction cleaning, move-in cleaning services, and more. We have some of the most extensive services that are intended to make it easier for you to settle in after a home renovation, no matter how big or small. Contact us today to know more!